Misc. Notes
John BURGESS, male.
Parents: Thomas BURGES BURGESS. Mother: Dorathy WAYNES.
Parents: Thomas BURGES BURGESS. Mother: Dorothy Wayne PHIPPEN.
The persons recorded in this segment of Burgess family as it relates to the Manoah Ellis family is undoubtedly in the correct area but the number of records sent and recorded on the IGI Records does not help in establishing perfect connections other than the right families.
For those searching out the John Burgess family and his designated wives Mary Worden and Mary Nye and daughter Mary Burgess. The IGI Records show the name Mary Burgess numerous times and has made it very confusing. This is one big mess as to who married who and who's children belong to who. There is no doubt a connection between the Burgess, Worden, Nye and Ellis families but be extremely careful with the IGI Records.
Your researcher and compiler of these records is looking forward to someone coming up with all the correct imput for others undoubtled in a quantry as to just where is this all taking us. Right direction or Wrong direction.
Edward D. Ellis